2 blossoming peonies documented at random intervals of the day with Canon 6D, 24-105mm, handheld.
My best friend said to me once, "Nothing is ever black or white. Everything is a process." We looked at each other for half a second after she said that, and then we burst out laughing because it was such a blanket statement that had nothing to do with the context of our conversation.
But what she said that day stuck with me. Nothing is ever black or white. Everything is a process. It's true if you really think about it. We are constantly evolving and changing and growing. I love the word malleable because it so aptly sums how I see the world in one word. M-a-l-l-e-a-b-l-e, malleable.
I shot this study of the two blossoming peonies a week ago when I was on vacation in Norcal. I recently left my full-time job to become a freelance photographer so I decided to give myself a little break before my next projects. It was nice to finally have a break. On my drive up to the bay to visit family, I stayed overnight in a tiny house in Carmel and went wine tasting in at Folktale winery, which I highly recommend because of their garden backyard style patio seating. I was able to do mundane but very fulfilling things. I learned how to make pour-over coffee. I saw Stravinsky play in the SF symphony. I sat in Barnes and Noble and read books. But my vacation was bittersweet because a part of me was very anxious to get back to LA to start on my new projects. (Signs of a workaholic.) Needless to say, this struggle with having patience for myself and my career made enjoying my vacation a bit difficult.
I picked up these peonies on a whim one day when I was at the market.
Peonies start out as round little buds, but they bloom into such luscious and beautiful flowers. I did this photo study because I wanted to create a visual depiction of process. I did this to remind myself that like these two peonies, my career also needs time to form. So I will be patient for God's plan. And I'm excited because His plan is more beautiful than I can ever imagine.
- Karen